Thursday, 23 June 2016

In, out, in, out, shake it all about...

OK so I would probably do pretty well at the Beeb, I am invariably outwardly impartial, it helps avoid bitter and negative reactions - especially when I start a diatribe on a subject I am wholly unconfident about (despite/because of the unremitting streams of information blasted from every direction)... I sifted through the sh1t and made my decision. Tick. 

It has been fascinating this referendum though - hasn't it? Grating, in your face, unavoidable and actually pretty important. I think that for me is the major silver lining of the entire sandstorm. It has certainly engaged a nation, there's barely been a garden centre, supermarket or high street (all the crazy places!)  I have pounded in the last 3 weeks without catching glimpses of relentless EU/Brexit/Referendum conversations and debates. Ordinary people trying to make sense of the rhetoric and propaganda: the Brexit barrage from Farage and the EU rave from Dave. Surely a positive outcome (whether 'in' or 'out')  will be that in my time, our nation seems never to have been so captured by the politics that push and pull and fundamentally slam us in certain directions affecting the future irrevocably. Hopefully that means we are all a little more educated and interested and aware of how this nation runs and in which trajectory - with us hamsters at the wheel. 


They've certainly shaken it all about.

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