Sunday, 17 June 2018

12-18 months - The Balance

It remains a marvel. That little human toddling, babbling, chewing, grabbing, giggling and just - mesmerising. It also remains a seriously time consuming responsibility. With all the wonder and utter delight that the wee one brings, it requires patience and unrelenting hard-graft, in equal measure. So whilst you're trying to aide the balance of that tumbling tot, it is now that you really need to lay the new foundations of balance in all aspects your life...... before you lose the plot! 

By now, your toddler is likely walking and developing emotional attachments. As the weeks go by they will test their environment and people around them; paying particular attention to those they hold dearest. Oh joy. You'll have that familiar sense of loving pride juxtaposed by exasperating vexation as you run through the repetitive motions of negotiating with the most erratic, kamikaze, unstable, charming and vulnerable boss you've ever had the pleasure of serving. That crazy yin needs a calming yang.

So whatever your release, your zen or your raison d'ĂȘtre - make time for it and it will keep you sane. 5 minutes meditating or 5 hours office debating; it will inject a welcome balance and a rejuvenation that is so very good for you all.

But blow me down - that kid keeps getting cooler and the months are rolling by - ENJOY!! 

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